Saturday, September 29, 2007

How To Get A Girlfriend??

I have always been fairly successful in picking up the girls. I have some friends who never seem to meet any girls. One night I was leaving the club with a girl I had just met and my friend who was leaving alone said ‘You lucky git’. But it wasn’t really luck. Now I don’t mean that in a ‘I’m Gods gift to girls’ kind of a way. Simply I had put in effort that night and he hadn’t. The main reason why some guys don’t have any success with girls is that they just don’t try.

I know guys who go out week after week but never chat up girls. And then they moan that they never meet anyone. Or some guys think you have to be really funny, confident or charming to meet girls. Not so!!! While all these things help, they are just bonuses – the main prerequisite to success with women is effort. In a way I think of picking up a girl in a club as a bit of a numbers game. Now I don’t mean you should go slobbering round asking every girl in the place for a date one after the other – that might work but I’m guessing rarely. What you should do is to keep on chatting up girls. When one turns you down keep on trying. You won’t get anywhere with the majority of girls you chat up for various reasons. They may have a boyfriend, they may be married or they might not be attracted to you (sorry!) or they may not be interested for whatever reason. This should not be taken personally.

If you keep on trying then there really isn’t a down side – you get more experience at chatting up girls and get better at it and by chatting up more girls you are greatly increasing your chances of picking up a girl.

So forget the pheromones, the chat up lines (hello is the only chat up line you need), the magic tricks and the hypnosis – if you want to be more successful with girls you don’t have to change at all i.e. you don’t need to go to the gym, you don’t need to be more confident or more funny. You simply have to chat up more girls.


Radit said...

basic je ni je.
common la.

Anonymous said...

je...bkn xnk klu yg nk ditegur tu mcm smpah,muka wat balut nasi lemak, sape yg nak...jgn igt sume org cam ko!!!!

Rn@b^9 said...

jgn salah fhm k....
bkn nk citer best..
bkn nk lagak hebat..
kongsi maner yang kurang..

p/s klu nk tegur, toksah memilih...
bkn nk buat awek pong...